
Big Day!

Today was a BIG day for Addy...and Mom & Dad! Addy had her 2 month doctor's appointment. Mom was really anxious to see how much she weighed (and more exact then just standing on our bathroom scale with her). Well our "little" girl weighed in at a whopping 12.2 lbs and is now 23 inches long. She's growing growing growing and we couldn't be happier happier happier. She also had to get her first round of shots today. Mom and Dad braced for the worst and we realized that Addy still has cries that we've never heard...I mean an all out red face, hold your breath, SHRILL of a cry is what she let out with the first shot, but quickly regained her composure when comforted by Mom and Dad! She did GREAT and we were SO VERY proud of her...it's amazing how that seems like a whole new sense of being for us :) Just thought we'd share the good news and a little picture of Ms. Addy at the doctor's office after all the great news...as you can see she is just a sweetheart!


Who has the time??

So I have to apologize it's been SO LONG since I last posted anything! We were without internet for quite a while and thought I was going to DIE. Let's see what have we been doing over the past 8 weeks:

Lunches, lunches, lunches...Addy and I have been going on a lot of lunch dates or having visitors over to the house! Addy does fairly well out and about...she actually prefers being out rather than home with boring ole' Mom, I think :)

BYOB...Bring Your Own Baby Yoga at Blooma yoga studio! Addy and I went with our friends the Mays (Carrie, Addie & Ella). Addy loved all the other babies and dug the stretching. Mom actually got somewhat of a workout as well.

We introduced Addy to our favorite Fall pasttime...Gopher Football! What a treat for her...she experienced her first tailgating and seeing the new TCF Bank Stadium. She loved it!

There have been lots more, but I'll just have to promise that I'll try to do better on postings going forward :)