This past weekend Mommy went on a girls weekend to Chicago so Daddy and Addy got lots of quality time together! Daddy made sure to document it all with his phone camera and text Mom updates throughout the weekend :) Dad had a full schedule planned of fun things to do which included lunch dates, a play date with Melena and Gangi, going to work with Dad including going to help him give his golf class final to his students and lastly a day with A-Ma & A-Ya! It was hard for Mom to leave, but just as exciting to get picked up at the airport by Dad & Addy!! Oh and the massive amount of shopping that was done with Sara & Denise helped ease missing Miss Addy :) Thanks to S. Bailey & D for a GREAT weekend! ...and thanks to all of Daddy's "helpers"; Kori, Lamar, Melgaard, Beth & Diane :)
Addy's fav shirt..."the drama starts here"!