More holiday pictures to come! We hope everyone has a Happy New Year...have a cocktail for me :)
2010...What A Year It's Been!
Update on the McChungs!
We moved out of our house about 3 weeks ago as it turned out we found amazing people to move in and see a great friendship starting with their family! We feel it all worked out for a reason on both sides. The move out of our house was quite the ordeal as we underestimated just how much "stuff" we really had. We filled up 2 storage the point of pushing things in to get the storage unit door to close :) Off we went our suitcases in hand to live with Vinh's parents in St. Paul. Addy, of course, has been in total heaven getting spoiled rotten by A-Ma & A-Ya at all hours of the day and night! I was most worried about her in this whole transition, but she seems to be doing the best out of all of us!! I've been really busy at work so working long hours and some weekends which has been tough on Baby Wang #2...but he/she keeps reminding me of their presence by being a pretty active "mover-arounder" all hours of the night and day! Our motivation has been solely on getting into our new house and starting to finally get settled. It's amazing how unsettling it is to even be in your previous house having to have it "show ready" all the time...the stress was really wearing on us. Now it's just a different type of stress...being anxious the get into our new home and for me to be able to "nest" before Baby Wang #2 comes. Needless to say, that process hasn't been the smoothest up to this point with our new house...there have been multiple delays where I get my hopes up and then something comes up. Again, Vinh has been the rock to keep us all together and ensuring that it will all be worth the wait! I must say, I have to also thank all the family and friends who have been supporting us throughout this process as well...YOU'RE THE BEST!
So now back to the fun stuff...I just had to share this picture of Addy as she loves visiting A-Ma & A-Ya's restaurant. We've been "visiting" coincidentally around dinner time multiple nights out of the week and have been spoiled rotten by A-Ma's cooking...YUMMY! As you can see Addy enjoys helping A-Ya take orders from the customers...

MN Zoo Trip w/ The Burds and The Hoffmans
Happy 1st Birthday Addison Jean!
Addy's 1st Birthday Party!
Her favorite position...try this bouncing around!
This frosting stuff is merely coincidental as Addy wasn't that interested in eating the cake or just "happened" to get all over her! (hence the bath water was blue/green when we quickly washed her off!)
New House Pictures
We're still here!
There's so much to catch-up on and of course so little time. Where to add to our craziness of life with selling our current home, building a new home, keeping up with an almost 1 year old, work, school (the list could go on)...we're managing all of this amidst my 24-7 nausea and tiredness...yep, I'm pregnant :) I'm almost done with the first trimester which I'm hoping means the nausea and tiredness will subside. We are REALLY excited about the baby and Addy has absolutely NO idea what's going to be hitting her. She is learning to say "baby" and I think it's clear as mud :) We're due January 30th so Miss Addison will be a whole 18 months! Vinh, of course, has been amazing letting me sleep in and take naps as much as possible...he's such a great Dad & Husband!
The new house is coming seems SO fast at times...but I think that's just because we're patiently (anxiously) awaiting the sale of our current home. We have the electrical walk through on Tuesday and have been in the house quite a few times throughout the process. It's amazing to be able to see where all the plumbing is running through the walls...never thought about that before. With baby on the way it makes me even more anxious to be able to get into the new house some time in November and be able to settle in somewhat before baby comes. Along with that I'm ready to be done keeping a clean house 24-7 in case of a's amazing just how quickly it gets messy...Addy may have a little something to do with that!
We hope everyone is having a great summer!
Twins Game
Mother's Day Weekend at Ruttger's
Ime's Preschool Graduation
Meeting Ms. Cecilia!
Neighbor love
It's Official...
We just started back up with ECFE classes on Tuesday nights. Addy's in class with the 6-12 month olds. We hadn't been in class since she was about 2 months so she's changed a lot in the past 6 months! She is now able to get to all the toys on the mat and we've realized that we have a pretty agressive people person on our hands (we wonder where she gets that from?!)! She loves any toy that any of the other kids are playing with. Any toy her new friend Joey would pick up she was all over snatching it right away!! We just looked at eachother and shook our do you teach "sharing" to an 8 month old?! Addy loved meeting all her new friends and especially LOVED singing all the songs. Her favorite, by far, is still "Hello Everybody".
Mom's decided that she prefers Tuesday night ECFE class over her Monday night Managerial Accounting class!!
We're Building!

We had our first selection meeting this week which was SO MUCH FUN! In a matter of 3 hours we selected floorings (carpet, tile, name it) all the way to backsplash tiling detail...thanks to our designer Kim for all her great insight and help!! Of course, we're not done on the list is plumbing and lighting selections. I've enjoyed guessing which selelctions Vinh would choose throughout the process...the great thing is that we have mostly agreed...which I've heard isn't always the case :)