I've had a blog update on my "to do list" for quite some time! Instead I live vicariously through all of you, my friends/family, that are regular updaters!! You're an inspiration :) As much as I love the pictures posted...I have to apologize b/c I'm only going to put my posting up and hopefully pictures will soon follow :)
There's so much to catch-up on and of course so little time. Where to start...to add to our craziness of life with selling our current home, building a new home, keeping up with an almost 1 year old, work, school (the list could go on)...we're managing all of this amidst my 24-7 nausea and tiredness...yep, I'm pregnant :) I'm almost done with the first trimester which I'm hoping means the nausea and tiredness will subside. We are REALLY excited about the baby and Addy has absolutely NO idea what's going to be hitting her. She is learning to say "baby" and I think it's clear as mud :) We're due January 30th so Miss Addison will be a whole 18 months! Vinh, of course, has been amazing letting me sleep in and take naps as much as possible...he's such a great Dad & Husband!
The new house is coming along...it seems SO fast at times...but I think that's just because we're patiently (anxiously) awaiting the sale of our current home. We have the electrical walk through on Tuesday and have been in the house quite a few times throughout the process. It's amazing to be able to see where all the plumbing is running through the walls...never thought about that before. With baby on the way it makes me even more anxious to be able to get into the new house some time in November and be able to settle in somewhat before baby comes. Along with that I'm ready to be done keeping a clean house 24-7 in case of a showing...it's amazing just how quickly it gets messy...Addy may have a little something to do with that!
We hope everyone is having a great summer!