We've had quite a year...lots of changes! We decided to build a new home and little did we know that soon after deciding that we'd find out that we were expecting baby #2. What a rollercoaster that would put us on. As I sit here on New Years Eve (knowing that I will more than likely not make it until the ball drops) I think back to the challenges we faced through trying to sell the house...while raising an active little one and continuing life as we normally would :) In the end everything worked out and we got to live with Vinh's parent for a month, which Addy LOVED!! We are so happy to be settling into the new house now being here for about a month and enjoying the holidays. We hosted the Chung family on Christmas Eve and the McCabe family on Christmas Day. Vinh was in heaven cooking for everyone and we were excited to host our first big events in the house! Today I finally got around to unpacking neutral baby clothes and putting things away in the nursery. As I sat in the rocking chair in the baby's room I was reminded at how excited we are to be adding to our family! I had a doctors appointment yesterday and the doctor wasn't sure if the baby was heads down yet so we got to have another ultrasound. It was such a treat as Addy and Vinh were with me...Addy definitely knows where "baby" is, but it was fun watching her see the baby on the screen! We were able to confirm that the baby is in fact heads down so that was a relief...no worry of having to try to "turn" the baby or possibly plan for a c-section. YEAH! It was fun seeing the baby's pudgy cheeks as well...we never had an ultrasound this far in the pregnancy with Addy so it was fun to see. Thought we'd share some pictures from the past few months as well...
Our 1st Christmas Tree Hunt...Addy loved it!

Addy's favorite hang out spot in the house

Our 1st dinner at the house...Five Guys with the Dorns!
The Office

The Dining Room

The Great Room

The Kitchen
More holiday pictures to come! We hope everyone has a Happy New Year...have a cocktail for me :)