
Baby Wang #2 Update

I wanted to drop a quick update out to those who might still follow our blog...I'm terrible about updating it! We are still anxiously awaiting the arrival of Baby Wang #2. 2+ days overdue and counting... The good news is that there is an end in sight (unless we get bumped) as we're scheduled to be induced this Friday. I had a doctor's appointment yesterday morning and went in with the conviction that I wasn't leaving without an induction date. Of course, I got the usual "we don't like to do elective inductions"...my reaction was "I'm not waiting another week and 1 day just for it to be considered non-elective...CHECK THE CALENDAR NOW!" (Vinh can verify this) Since this time around I'm not the niave 1st time Mom figuring doctor knows best...nope, I'm the overdue, over-tired (which I realize will be for quite some time), over-uncomfortable, over-hormonal, over-the-top woman who is trying to feel like she has some control over her own body!! (I know it's a stretch, but the truth) So now we wait for it to either happen naturally between now and Friday or be induced and get the show on the road.

As for Addy, we are continuously watching the "Dora - Big Sister" moody (movie) and Addy official can say sister, but we're still not sold on her understanding the ramifications of that word. We're pretty sure she thinks it involves a big brother monkey named Boots, but we could be totally off on that :) We read her "Big Sister" book every night before she goes to bed in the hopes for another seed planting opportunity, but the book has a puppy in it and that seems to take most of her attention...oh the fun we are about to embarq on!

To top it all off, Thursday is the official Chinese New Year. Ever since joining the Chung family, I've had quite an appreciation for trying to learn and understand the cultural nuances. Chinese New Years is a big deal and the one take away that I've always listened to is the belief that "what happens on Chinese New Years is an indication for what will happen to you all year". (do you know where I'm going with this?) That's right, if this baby decides to come on Chinese New Years...I can't even begin to think about what that would mean...ha/ha!!!

We'll keep you all posted on the arrival of the newest member of the Chung family!


Christmas 2010

We had a great Christmas! We hosted both the Chung and McCabe families and enjoyed every minute of it. The Chungs kicked it off on Christmas Eve in which Vinh cooked up a feast as usual. We played a fun game with all the kids...Christmas karoke...the kiddos had to sing a Christmas tune in order to pic a gift from the fireplace...of course, the it was the gift of cash :) Vinh's immediate family all stayed over night which has been a tradition over the past 5 years...it's great because Santa brings gifts for everyone and we get to do the whole Christmas morning gift opening together. This year it was kicked off by McKinley & Carter at about 7am! We then opened gifts and then cleaned up! The McCabe Christmas was dinner on Christmas day so my parents, Ross, Molly and the kids joined us that afternoon. Vinh cooked a delicious dinner again and we enjoyed watching the kiddos rip into gifts (whether they had their name on them or not!). It was quite comical...Grandma Jeanie and Grandpa Red went overboard as always so it was complete wrapping paper chaos!! Vinh had gotten a ping pong table and set it up in the basement so everyone enjoyed that over the weekend. Enjoy some pics from our fun-filled weekend (in no particular order)!

35 weeks along...baby's 1st Christmas!
Addy, Isaac, Hudson & Ime getting ready for dinner

Addy's Cozy Coupe from us...I always wanted one as a kid!

Addy's patent leather "squeaky" boots from the Kwan family...she loves the squeak (but it's removable)!

Addy's rocking horse from Ama & Aya - it makes trotting noises, the tail wags, the head goes up and down while neighing (sp?)...quite the horse!!

Christmas morning...Santa brought Addy an art easel which she LOVES!

Our version of Christmas karoke...game for the kids...it was alot of fun!

Addy & McKinley with Auntie Kristina all dressed up!